Ration Card is a official document issued by the State Government to the eligible families under the Public Distribution System for food grains. Government issue different types of Ration Card to the family according to their income to provide them subsidized food grains.
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For poor families it is a very important document because without Ration Card it will be very difficult for them to fulfill their monthly food requirement. A family can get only one Ration Card. In this article we will discuss how to apply for the duplicate Ration Card if it is lost, stolen or misplaced.
Is it compulsory for all to have a Ration Card?
No, it is not compulsory for all to have a Ration Card.
In 1997, the main objective of Government behind the introduction of Ration Card was to provide minimum required food grains to poor families at subsidized rates. Under the Public Distribution System for food grains State Governments provide subsidized food grains to families according to their Ration Card. It is compulsory for those people who want to get these subsidized food grains and not for others.
It can be also used as a proof of identity and proof of nationality because it is a verified document by the State Government. Recently in the writ petition regarding draft of National Register for Citizen (NRC) in Assam, Supreme Court allowed to use Ration Card to file a claim for NRC.[i] Therefore it is always recommended to have a Ration Card even if you don’t need subsidized food grains.
How to apply for the duplicate Ration Card?
First of all you shall file a FIR for the lost Ration Card in the nearest police station and get copy of that FIR. You can apply for duplicate Ration Card both online as well offline.
If you want to apply offline follow the following procedure:
- Visit the Office of District Food and Supplies Controller(DFSC) having jurisdiction for your residence.
- You will be required Depot Holder’s report along. Also 2 copies of penalty fee of amount mentioned and 2 passport size photograph of each member of your family. Sometimes a family group photo is also required.
- Get the form for the duplicate Ration Card form which is called as D-Y Form from the office.
- Fill up the form with all details required.
- You have to carry a Depot Holder’s Report with two copies of penalty fee receipts and two photographs of each member of your family. Sometimes a family Photograph may be needed. Submit the form with all required documents to the office.
- After verification you will be notified. Visit the office and get your new Ration Card.
If you want to apply online for the duplicate Ration Card:
- To apply online there are different websites for different states. Visit to the state’s PDS website or Food Department website.
- You will find the option for new Ration Card registration click on this.
- Then fill up the all details and submit the application.
- You will get a reference number through which you can track your Ration Card status.
- After verification you will get a notification from portal. Visit the portal and get a print of Ration Card.
List of PDS websites for following states:
- Maharashtra: https://aaplesarkar.mahaonline.gov.in/en
- Rajasthan: https://food.raj.nic.in/SearchRationCardOld.aspx
- Uttar Pradesh: https://fcs.up.gov.in/FoodPortal.aspx
- Tamilnadu: https://www.tnpds.gov.in/
- Andhra Pradesh: https://epdsap.ap.gov.in/epdsAP/epds
Ration Card is a very important document,especially for poor families. In this article we discussed how to apply for the duplicate copy of Ration Card in case it is lost. Procedure through online mode is fast but at the same time it is very confusing and difficult as there is no single portal for securing the Ration Card or to deal with any queries related to Ration Card.
“The views of the authors are personal“
[i]https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/supreme-court-allows-use-of-ration-card-to-file-nrc-claims/articleshow/66470256.cms?from=mdr (last visited- 07 December 2019.)