Quod necessarie intelligitur, id non deest

Quod necessarie intelligitur, id non deest

Literal Meaning

What is necessarily understood is not wanting.


The literal meaning of the maxim ‘Quod necessarie intelligitur, id non deest’ is – what is necessarily understood is not wanting. The thing which can be understood necessarily is not voluntarily have to be understood.


A fact of common sense which is known to everyone is not to be searched by anyone in the books as it is not wanting.

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje


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I am 2 nd Year B.A LL.B (Hons.) student at Gujarat National Law University. I like to explore and write on topics of Cyber Laws, Intellectual Property Laws and Competition Laws. Further, to enhance my knowledge of Law I like to participate in moot court competitions. You can reach me at: vishwapatel683@gmail.com