What to do if train ticket gets lost during travel?

railway ticket

Indian Railways has always been hailed as the lifeline of the nation. One of the most supportive and passenger friendly government run bodies, it always strives to run the extra mile and scale greater heights. A railway ticket is said to be a contractual document that is an embodiment of all the relevant terms and conditions, including exclusion clauses, agreed to between the passenger and the railways.[i] Hence, it is essential to keep the train ticket safe during the course of journey. This submission discusses about the remedies available in case a passenger has lost his train ticket.

Types of Train Ticket in India:

In India, there are two types of train tickets. They are:


E-tickets are tickets that are booked online in the official IRCTC Website. The tickets are delivered within minutes to the registered email ID. Hence, E-tickets can be booked until the departure time, subject to availability since E-tickets can be booked only for Confirmed or RAC Status. The ticket should be booked by submitting the ID Number of any valid ID Proof which should be furnished during the time of journey. A print out of the E-Ticket or the actual email through which it was delivered or the SMS delivered is sufficient proof to show that the ticket has been booked. The cost of e-ticket may be a little higher.


I-tickets are Internet tickets that are also booked online via the official IRCTC Website. However, their delivery is by way of courier and it takes at least two days to be delivered at the address provided. Hence, I-tickets should be booked at least three days prior to the departure date. I-tickets can be booked for Confirmed or RAC or Waiting List status. The physical hard copy of the ticket delivered via courier is the proof of booking. The cost of I-ticket may be comparatively lesser than e-tickets. In essence, I-tickets are mere window tickets that are booked online without standing in long queues and those that are delivered via courier instead of over the counter delivery.

Window Tickets:

Window tickets are those tickets where the passenger has to stand in queue in the nearest railway station and book their train ticket. The physical hard copy of the ticket is delivered immediately over the counter. This hard copy ticket serves as the proof for booking during the journey.[ii] Window tickets are also known as PRS (Passenger Reservation System) Tickets or Counter Tickets.

What can be done if an E-Ticket is lost?

If a print out of an E-ticket is lost, the passenger need not panic. The following Steps may be followed –

Step 1: Log in into the IRCTC website using your login ID and password.

Step 2: Check the “Booking History” Tab.

Step 3: Select the relevant journey and print the e-Ticket again.

Also, it is pertinent to note that a hard copy printed e-ticket is not compulsory. It is sufficient if the passenger carries the ticket as a soft copy in his/her mobile phone, i-pad, tab, laptop or any other electronic device.

What can be done if an I-ticket is lost?

If an I-ticket is lost, it is imperative to get a duplicate ticket from the reservation window. IRCTC suggests that the steps given below be followed[iii]

Step 1: Go to the reservation window.

Step 2: Write an application to the Station master containing the PNR No., Train No., From and to of the journey, Passenger name, Age, Sex. (The application has to be made in duplicate)

Step 3: Attach a photocopy of the ID Proof and Address Proof that was used earlier for booking the original ticket.

Step 4: Pay the relevant charges for obtaining the duplicate ticket.

Step 5: You will receive the duplicate ticket. Show it along with the ID and Address Proof during the journey.

The following table indicates the charges for obtaining a duplicate ticket –


Confirmed Ticket

RAC Ticket

Waiting List Ticket

Before Preparation of Chart

If your journey distance is

a)      Less than 500km then 25% of total amount will be charged.

b)      More than 500km then 10% of total amount will be charged subject to a minimum of 25% of total fare.

Note – For Rajdhani Express and Shatabdi Express trains there are some fixed charges irrespective of the journey distance, 25% of total fare will be charged for getting the duplicate ticket.

This 10% or 25% of fare collected will be refunded from the counters at destination stations after completion of your journey.


No Duplicate Ticket issued

After Preparation of Chart

50% of Total Fare will be deducted as Charges

No Duplicate Ticket Issued

No Duplicate Ticket Issued

Refund rules related to the lost/distorted railway tickets:[iv]

The refund policy of IRCTC for I-ticket reads as follows: “No refund is permissible against lost/misplaced tickets. Loss of tickets is reported to railways immediately to prevent fraudulent use of lost tickets. However, duplicate ticket can be issued only in case of lost/torn/mutilated, confirmed or RAC tickets and the passenger can travel on the accommodation reserved for him as per extant Railway rules.” [v]

One needs to keep in mind that there’s no provision of refund if the train ticket is distorted or lost. However, the passenger can cancel their journey before the final reservation chart is prepared. The amount will be returned to the passengers after deducting the fixed amount as cancellation charges and other charges related to the time limit of cancellation.

In the rarest of rare case, where the original ticket is found and presented along with duplicate ticket, before the departure of the train, passenger is refunded the amount paid for duplicate ticket, said Indian Railways. However, 5 per cent of the total amount is deducted, subject to a minimum of Rs. 20.


In long journeys, the Ticket Checkers tend to change, flying squad may scrutinize or sometimes you may be checked when you get off the train and come out of the railway station. Having these contingencies in mind, it is advised to get a proof of your loss of ticket either by filing an FIR or getting a written proof from the TTE or at least by getting a duplicate ticket. To avoid all this last minute hassle, E-tickets are highly recommended since they cannot be lost or mutilated in any manner and are always retrievable from the Booking History tab.

Edited by Pragash Boopal

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje


[i] Parker v. The South Eastern Railway Co., (1877) 2 CPD 416.

[ii] For the purpose of convenience in this article, the author considers window tickets also as I-tickets since it is the physical hard copy that serves as booking proof.

[iii] https://irctcnews.in/lost-booked-train-ticket-now-next/

[iv] https://www.railmitra.com/blog/lost-your-train-journey-ticket-heres-what-you-should-do

[v] http://contents.irctc.co.in/en/refundrules.html

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I'm AISHWARYA LAKSHMI VM, pursuing B.B.A., LL.B (Hons) at School of Excellence in Law, the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University and the Professional program of the Company Secretaryship course. My area of interest not only includes corporate, taxation, commercial and economic laws but also environmental law and human rights. I've participated in several national and international moots and won several accolades. I'm also the Secretary of the Moot Court Association of my college. A firm believer in team work, time management and commitment, I always endeavor to be unique and to carve out a space for myself in whatever I undertake. During my free time, I read fiction, listen to music and experiment my culinary skills