Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab invites essay entries to Online International Essay Writing Competition, RGNUL EXAGIUM 2020. The 5th edition of this competition is being organised in collaboration with Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. This competition engages students and Professionals of different disciplines in the reading of fictional and non-fictional texts.
Who all can apply?
The Competition is open to the Students pursuing Undergraduate (B.A.LL.B/BA/B.Sc./B.Com/BBA/B.Tech/MBBS) or any other Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses (MA/LL.M//MSc./MPhil/PhD) in any University/College across the globe. Competition is open to Professionals also.
Submission Guidelines
- Only Original essays on the selected book/title that have not been published or have not been accepted for publication should be mailed to exagium2020@gmail.com
- The Essay must be type-written in English, in Times New Roman, 12 font size and1.5lines spacing with both sides justified The citation References must be in MLA Style.
- The Essay must be submitted in MS-Word format.
- Word limit for the Essay in Group A is 2500-3500 words (inclusive of Bibliography)
- Word limit for the Essay in Group B is 3000-6000 words
- Only two co-authors shall be allowed.
- Online Registration Portal will be active from 6th August to 6th September 2020.
- Participants will Register Online and Submit Soft Copy of the Abstract (500 words) along with a brief Bio-note by 17th August 2020.
- Participants should observe Covid-19 Protocol/ Govt. Guidelines and avoid Hard Copy Submission. Soft Copy of Essay must be submitted on or before 6 September 2020.
Registration Fee
Students(National) Group A or Group B | Rs.1000/-(Single Author); Rs. 1500/-(Co-Author) |
Professionals(National) Group A or Group B | Rs.2000/-(Single Author); Rs. 3000/-(Co-Author) |
Professionals(International) | 30 USD (Single Author); 55 USD (Co-Author) |
No Registration Fees for International Participants (Students)
- Prize Cheques and Certificates of Merit shall be awarded to 3 best essays.
- Certificates of Participation shall be given to all Authors.
- 1st Prize: 5000 INR
- 2nd Prize: 4000 INR
- 3rd Prize: 3000 INR
- Special prize Exagium Ambassador : 3000 INR
Important Dates
- Soft copy of Abstract: 17th August 2020
- Soft copy of Essay: 6th September 2020
- Declaration of Result: November 2020
Student Coordinators:
Dikshi Arora: 09024559982
Raghav Chandak: 07023314128
Pushpendra Sharma: 07300252667
Behlin Kaur: 08544824708
Important Links:-
Flyer :- https://www.rgnul.ac.in/PDF/901c6244-fe67-4ef0-bef0-eb56a18ba10a.jpg
Brochure:- https://www.rgnul.ac.in/PDF/92331d8f-44d8-4903-820f-24fcf1ac23ef.pdf
Registration Form :- https://www.rgnul.ac.in/PDF/f336031f-6205-4bb5-a68a-e1f6ce723d41.pdf