Nemo Prohibetur Pluribus Defensionibus Uti

Nemo Prohibetur Pluribus Defensionibus Uti

Literal Meaning

 No one is forbidden to make use of several defenses.


This is an old maxim which is used in modern times. This maxim is interpreted by many jurists in many cases and judgments. This maxim dose not forbids any one to make use of several defenses.


Nemo prohibetur pluribus defensionibus uti is a legal maxim in Latin. It means ‘no person is prohibited from employing many defenses.’ It denotes that a person can make several defenses. No one is restrained or stopped to use many defenses. Anyone can use as many as defenses he want to use for himself.


A has committed the crime. Though he is guilty but he is not prohibited or restrained to bring up the defenses for himself. He can use as many as defenses he want to use for himself.

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje